Exactly 1 week ago, I came downstairs to greet our little girl and she smiled at me for the very first time. It melted my heart. Since then, the smiles have been few and far between. There was this attempt to capture a smile, which resulted in 2 yawns, a sneeze, and case of the hiccups:
Later in the week, I managed to capture this brief smile followed quickly by a little girl bored with the sound of her mom's annoying voice (smile happens about around the 40 second mark):
But this morning was a totally different story! Olive was a smile machine! She smiled at me, she smiled at her Dad, she smiled at the little woodland creatures hanging from her bouncy chair, she smiled at the air. The bummer for you is that you'll have to trust me on this one since I decided to live in the moment and not take any photos.