Sunday, May 30, 2010

Still Measuring Big

We went in for our regular check-up on Friday and learned that I'm still measuring big (even bigger than last time).  I reached the "magic #" that mandates another ultrasound.  So, this coming week we'll be going back in for our 3rd ultrasound of my pregnancy (the first since week 20) to see what's going on with Tray.  My OB still isn't worried.  I believe she's just being conservative in ordering this ultrasound.  Our doula was with us at Friday's appointment and she also did not seem worried.  Yet it's hard for me to not be worried.  Par for the course, I suppose. 

I'll be sure to post an update when we know more. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

32 weeks

I apologize for being so slow with the updates here!  I still need to write about my awesome Seattle baby shower and our final additions to the nursery.  Matt's parents are here now though so lengthy updates will have to wait. 

Meanwhile, here's a photo from this morning.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Quick Thoughts for a Sleepy Friday Morning

My last Mother's Day as a non-mother didn't really register. I can't put my finger on why exactly. Lately I've spent a lot of time thinking about how much emphasis is put on pregnancy and, later, labor and how easy it is to be unprepared for the actual parenting part because you're so caught up in researching the former.

Granted getting this kid out of me does seem like a really big deal right now and I really want to have a satisfying labor experience. And I want so badly for the end result to be a healthy baby (who I'm already in love with) placed on my chest, eye-to-eye contact. The hard part is truly understanding that from that point forward, your work is cut out for you and there's absolutely no turning back.

Right now I'm trying to get used to this idea in simplified terms. I've been tired a lot lately because I haven't been sleeping well due to back pain, heartburn, etc. Every night I think, "maybe tonight I'll finally feel rested." But I'm forcing myself to come to terms with the reality that it's entirely possible I may feel tired like this right up until I give birth. And, thereafter? Pure exhaustion will be the special of the day - everyday.

I can only assume that you get through it because you've never loved so much or felt so scared of f*ing up!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

31 weeks

Lots to report, including another baby shower, but I may not have the chance until this weekend or next week.  My family just left Monday and Matt's parents arrive tomorrow.  In the meantime, here's the latest photo (from this morning).  Not the most flattering dress but VERY comfortable! 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

30 weeks

I'm now in my third trimester.  I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

28 week check-up

Friday we went in for our 28 week check-up with our OB.  Everything looks great!  Our OB says I'm doing a "great job" with my weight gain.  Hopefully I do a "great job" with my weight loss too!  :)

My glucose test came back negative, which rules out the possibility that we (Tray and I) could have gestational diabetes.  This was one of the possible explanations for why I was measuring big the last couple of visits.  I'm actually still measuring big (2 weeks ahead of where I should be) but our OB says she isn't worried about it at all.  This is hugely reassuring! 

I asked her why/how I could possibly be measuring big.  I don't feel big.  I don't think I look big.  I've gained exactly the right amount of weight (averaging 1 pound per week since a couple of months ago).  She thinks I'm hiding my pregnancy well, probably as a result of being in good shape with strong stomach muscles.  This may also explain why many people think I'm carrying high:  lower stomach muscles hold up the pregnant belly.  So, the reality is that I'm bigger than I look.  I guess that's better than being smaller than I look...

The other good news we learned at Friday's visit is that I am not anemic!  Evidently, it is very common for pregnant women to be anemic by this stage in their pregnancy.  My iron levels are perfect!  Everyone should thank Matt for this.  He makes sure I eat leafy greens every single day, sometimes multiple times a day, and it's paying off!

28 weeks

Our California Trip

Last weekend we made the trip to California to spend time with my family and be honored at a baby shower hosted by Liz & Brian (sister-in-law and brother), Grandma, and my parents.  I was really looking forward to our time in CA and it did not disappoint!

We made out like bandits at the shower!  We received the most adorable, thoughtfully chosen gifts!  From onesies and receiving blankets, to washcloths and books, to a hand knit baby blanket with booties and a hat, Tray is now well equipped for the first weeks and months of life!  And with all of the gift cards that were so generously bestowed on us, we cannot wait to go shopping for the rest of our baby necessities! 

The theme of the shower was "nesting" and Liz went all out with little edible birds nests, edible eggs, matching stationery, etc.  The entire event took place outside thanks to the lovely weather (80 degrees, sunny, and absolutely no wind).  We felt so loved!  

Returning to WA was a little melancholy.  The weather did not measure up (does it ever?) and the reality that we live so far away from all of our family who love us so dearly was painfully apparent.  I spent all day Monday washing and folding all of Tray's new clothes, etc.  I haven't been really emotional in my pregnancy thus far but Monday was tough for me.  Organizing and putting away all of the little onesies and sleep sacks made me realize just how tiny Tray is going to be and what a huge responsibility we are taking on.  My parents gave us the book When You Were Very Small and I now can't read it without crying! 

I have so much love for this kid in my belly!

Tray's new born and 3 month clothes

Tray's 6-9 month clothes

Tray's receiving blankets and washcloths

Ending on a more light-hearted note:  a close family friend performed an old gender-predicting test for the amusement of our shower guests.  The test was a variation on the popular ring-on-a-string-over-your-belly.  This test was a #2 pencil hung by the eraser from a needle and thread.  The pencil swings over the wrist.  The direction it swings determines the gender.  The verdict?  BOY!  :)