My glucose test came back negative, which rules out the possibility that we (Tray and I) could have gestational diabetes. This was one of the possible explanations for why I was measuring big the last couple of visits. I'm actually still measuring big (2 weeks ahead of where I should be) but our OB says she isn't worried about it at all. This is hugely reassuring!
I asked her why/how I could possibly be measuring big. I don't feel big. I don't think I look big. I've gained exactly the right amount of weight (averaging 1 pound per week since a couple of months ago). She thinks I'm hiding my pregnancy well, probably as a result of being in good shape with strong stomach muscles. This may also explain why many people think I'm carrying high: lower stomach muscles hold up the pregnant belly. So, the reality is that I'm bigger than I look. I guess that's better than being smaller than I look...
The other good news we learned at Friday's visit is that I am not anemic! Evidently, it is very common for pregnant women to be anemic by this stage in their pregnancy. My iron levels are perfect! Everyone should thank Matt for this. He makes sure I eat leafy greens every single day, sometimes multiple times a day, and it's paying off!
28 weeks
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