Not so fast, Mom&Dad. I have other plans.
She was awake again within 10 minutes. What finally put her to sleep you ask? Gripe water. Just that little taste of sugar. Really? That's all we needed to do? After 5 hours of trying every other tool in our toolbox?
I don't even remember what happened Wednesday night.
Thursday night she decided she hates being in a carrier, unless Mom's arms count as a carrier. Good thing we own three carriers!?
Tonight we decided to try to break the cycle of fussies early in the evening with a ride in the car. We drove down to Leschi. It was a beautiful evening. Lots of boats on Lake Washington and plenty of people out enjoying the last rays of sun. Oh, to be human. She was asleep about 10 minutes in. We continued to drive for another 10, y'know, to really seal the deal.
She was too precious when we carried her up in her car seat. It was almost like the last few days never happened. And then... THEN:
And so you may be wondering how this night will end. I can't tell you. It's only 8pm, afterall. However, this is our current state of affairs:
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