Friday, July 23, 2010

Olive's 2 week check-up

We went in for Olive's 2 week check-up with the pediatrician yesterday (even though she's actually 19 days old).  She is a really good eater!  At her lowest, she weighed 5lbs 5oz.  Yesterday she weighed 7lbs 5oz!  She gained 2 pounds in 2 weeks.  The pediatrician was impressed.  I knew she had gained weight when I snapped this picture nearly 6 days ago:

Compare that face and body to this photo taken when she was about 5 days old: 

She's doing so well and that makes us so happy! 

Her favorite sleep position is very similar to Mommy's favorite sleep position:  one arm out of her swaddle in a champion pose:

Daddy favors a similar position when he sleeps:

Serious emphasis on the WHEN we sleep part!  :)


  1. isnt it amazing how fast they grow? she is a cutie!!!!

  2. Whoo hoo! Go Olive Go!


  3. in the second photo, she is smiling! too cute. lanna sleeps like us too. i just love it.
