Sunday, June 6, 2010


My pregnancy hormones got the best of me today.  We were in Babies R Us, which is a terribly depressing place to begin with.  We were looking at a co-sleeper bassinet thing to use for the first 3-4 months after Tray is born.  Matt thought maybe we should wait to buy it to see if it became necessary (the other option is that we we're going to move the crib into our room).  I guess I must have already made up my mind that we needed this thing because I suddenly became very unhappy that we weren't on the same page.

Acting out of some kind of urge I could not control, we bought the item and as soon as we got into the car, I had a breakdown.  I seriously lost complete control of my emotions.  I couldn't have stopped crying if I'd wanted to!  This has never happened to me before.  Normally I can calm myself down and breathe it out.  Not this time!  I was totally out of breath and the big crocodile tears kept coming! 

Poor Matt!  He has a crazy big emotionally unstable pregnant wife! 

I'm fine now, by the way.  :)


  1. Just wait until after Tray is born, when your hormones suddenly plummet to their lowest levels in months, your body hurts/is healing from birth, breastfeeding hurts, and you cry for no known reason at the drop of a hat. All the time.

    Seriously, it's fun!

  2. you poor dear. you are adorable, and i cannot wait for your little precious addition! xoxo

  3. Oh, I can only imagine, Helene! I know it's going to happen. I just need to remember it's not forever.
