Thursday, February 4, 2010

Somebody went shopping!

Uh-oh, who went shopping?  Tray.  Tray went shopping. 

Shopping for gender-neutral clothing is proving to be difficult.  Two of these items came from the girl's section and one came from the boy's section.  Can you tell which item came from which section?


  1. I think the red jumpsuit came from the boys section and the other two are from the girls. Where are you buying clothes at?

  2. You are correct!! These three pieces are from Old Navy clearance section. Now is the perfect time to buy 3-6 month winter clothing for next year!

  3. Yea I am right!!!Yep definitely the time to stock up on all the warm clothes on clearance. From my baby-shopping for all my bests friends kids (I'm up to 5 little ones) Target clearance racks have great stuff at times too, especially since the kid will grow out of stuff so fast. I recommend raiding alll cleanance racks at all stores with baby clothes. Janie and Jack (kind of posh)is a cute store for nice things, and The childrens place has some cute things too. He/she may be big enough to wear 3-6months clothes when born. Hope your weekend is going well. SMILE :-)
