Friday, January 22, 2010

I'd like to thank Gaga

Back in early December, my iPod mysteriously disappeared after a routine visit from our housecleaner. After accepting the fact that my shiny red iPod wasn't coming home, I bought a used one off Craigslist for $60. The seller said she was too lazy to erase her music before selling to me, so I came home with a whole new collection. It's now been nearly 2 months and I still haven't wiped her music from my new-to-me iPod. Question: why? Answer: Lady Gaga.

As previously mentioned, due to these crazy pregnancy hormones, I've been on the verge of falling asleep all the day long (yes, still at nearly 15 weeks). Going to the gym is a real task and I dread dread dread thinking about it! But once I'm on the treadmill for my 2.5 mile warm-up and Gaga is singing in my ears, I want to run and lift and squat until the album is over.

Sometimes I have to listen to this song a few times on repeat. Gaga reminds me of Cher (and not just her performance; her voice as well)!

I love Lady Gaga! I'm not ashamed.

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